Acute targeting on Facebook using custom audiences


A leading conversational marketing company based out of San Jose, California approached us to help them with their Facebook marketing

Problem Statement
The company focus was shifting and they needed a digital marketing partner to take care of their Facebook account which included setting up campaigns, building targeted audiences and driving more leads/conversions.
A thorough analysis of the current campaigns was first conducted with a focus on campaign structure, Ad creatives, Ad copy and Targeting.
We built highly targeted audiences who are the most likely to convert would help increase conversions. Acxiom’s (Facebook’s partner and global leader in marketing data) behavioral and interest data.
Next, Audience overlap was removed in order to prevent bidding within the account and also lessen the cost of acquisition. We rolled out several campaigns using these highly targeted audiences.
Using Facebook and AdWords in tandem had always proved to be beneficial so we targeted people who had already visited the landing pages through AdWords.
We also built remarketing lists tracked by Facebook pixel. Facebook Pixel was placed on the website in order to track consumer activity that did not lead to a lead/conversion. They were later shown targeted ads.
A second set of audience was built by using the email IDs of users. With the email ID’s, we were able to map the users with their Facebook profiles and shown ads. Lastly, users who visited certain URLs on the website were segmented and re-targeted.
CTR increased from 1.90%
Conversion Rate increased from 2.33%
Overall keyword click-through